Request a Letter of Support for a Research Grant Application from the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections

The DOC can support you in securing grant funding.


The DOC is often asked to provide letters of support for organizations applying for grant funding. Our department does not generally draft letters of support, but rather seeks to work collaboratively with organizations on applications, particularly when organizations are seeking access to state correctional institutions (SCIs) and/or are specifically targeting reentrants returning to communities from state prison.

Federal and State Agencies that Commonly List Grant Opportunities Related to Criminal Justice and Reentry

Please contact DOC at least three weeks in advance of the grant application due date. This allows sufficient time for any needed discussions with the applicant organization and DOC internal reviews.
Please submit your request to:

Grants Manager
Department of Corrections
1920 Technology Park
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050-8507

In your request, please include:

  • A link to the grant solicitation.
  • Brief overview of the organization applying for funds and the services it provides, including prior organizational experience with the targeted population and the state corrections system.
  • A short project description (abstract) that communicates the problem the organization is seeking to solve and the strategy proposed, including:
    • Geographic area of concentration (county, zip code(s), neighborhood(s), etc.).
    • Proposed activities (pre-release and/or post-release) to occur and clearly indicate the evidence-based practices to be incorporated.
    • Target population (male/female and other characteristics).
    • Proposed number of individuals to be served.
    • Partner organizations (including government, non-profit, private sector, and others that will be partnering with you under the grant-funded and match activities).
    • If the applicant organization already has contact with the state correctional institution and/or local parole office in which it is proposing to operate if funded.
    • Describe what you are seeking from the department (resources, data, access to facilities etc.) along with the timeframe in which you expect to require our services. If you request access to a Pennsylvania DOC facility or facilities, please clearly define "access" and any expectations you may have.

Key Considerations

  • A request for a letter of support does not mean a letter of support will be provided.
  • The DOC cannot require an inmate or reentrant to participate in your program.
  • The DOC cannot pay an organization for referrals if that organization does not have a contract with DOC. The DOC follows Commonwealth procurement and purchasing requirements in regards to contracting services.
  • If you are proposing to conduct research, evaluations, or related activities, then your project must be approved by the DOC Research in Review Committee before a letter of support can be provided.
  • We are aware of the tight timeframes associated with responding to grant solicitations. Please submit your request in a timely fashion. Depending on the nature of the request, letters may need legal review and/or may need to be approved by DOC leadership. You may receive follow-up questions regarding the proposed activity and the role of the DOC. DOC has the right to deny a request if sufficient time to review the proposed activity is not provided.


The DOC is not a grantor; however, we welcome the opportunity to collaborate with organizations committed to working toward the successful rehabilitation of individuals as well as the smooth reintegration of reentrants back into their communities. We encourage organizations and agencies throughout the Commonwealth to take advantage of grant opportunities.

Submit Your Request

Submit your request with the required information to:

Grants Manager
Department of Corrections
1920 Technology Parkway
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050-8507