Governor Shapiro Highlights New Economic Development Strategy, Importance of Robotics and Technology Sectors at Mill 19 in Pittsburgh

The strategy, which was created by the Shapiro Administration and partners from across Pennsylvania, guides our path forward to strong economic growth, jobs, and innovation.


The Commonwealth will use the new comprehensive strategy to reach its full economic potential and ensure every Pennsylvanian has the opportunity to thrive. 

Pittsburgh, PA – Today, Governor Josh Shapiro and Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Secretary Rick Siger joined legislative and business leaders during a visit to Mill 19 in Pittsburgh to highlight the important role of robotics and advanced manufacturing in the Commonwealth’s new Economic Development Strategy — the first plan of its kind to guide the Commonwealth in almost 20 years.

Governor Shapiro unveiled the ten year strategy yesterday at OraSure Technologies in the Lehigh Valley. The Governor and his Administration have worked aggressively to make Pennsylvania a leader in innovation and economic development – and the new economic development strategy will capitalize on the Commonwealth’s strengths and reignite our economy by focusing on the Agriculture, Energy, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, and Robotics and Technology sectors, where data-driven analysis reveals a significant potential for growth over the next ten years.

“Since Day One, I promised that my Administration would be open for business – and, in my first year in office, we brought new energy to economic development here in Pennsylvania. We’re not waiting around – and Secretary Siger has hit the ground running with a bunch of wins for Pennsylvania,” said Governor Josh Shapiro. “And now, for the first time in nearly two decades, we have a plan that brings stakeholders together behind common goals to grow our economy, create real opportunity, and show that when we work together, Pennsylvania gets it done. This plan is going to set down the foundational pieces here that will pave the way with core investments and strategies that build on these goals and make us a national leader – and we just need to come to the table to make this all happen. There is no doubt that together, we can do big things. Because we know when we work together, Pennsylvania gets it done.”

Compared to neighbor states, the Commonwealth is being outspent on economic development incentives, with states like New York and Ohio leveraging as much as 16 times our total incentive spend. For Pennsylvania to maintain and advance our economic competitiveness, we must double down on our strengths while investing in those areas where we need to grow. This strategy seeks to do just that by capitalizing on our substantial strengths in the robotics and technology industries.

Robotics and technology companies can be found across every region in Pennsylvania – and with a projected 17,000 net new jobs created across the robotics and technology sectors over the next decade, Pennsylvania is primed to become a leader in these high-growth industries. The Commonwealth has substantial strengths in:

  • Electrical equipment manufacturing throughout the Southwest, Northwest, North Central, and Lehigh Valley regions, bolstered by the robotics facilities of Pittsburgh.
  • Navigational instrument manufacturing in the Southern Alleghenies, North Central, and Central regions.
  • Technology hardware manufacturing in the South Central and Southern Alleghenies regions, amplified by strong defense clusters throughout these regions.

“To compete in today’s global marketplace, it’s essential that we amplify our investment in high-growth, high-value sectors where we have a deep competitive advantage and can expect significant growth potential,” said DCED Secretary Rick Siger. “While doing that, we have to ensure vibrant communities for both residents and businesses, and that every Pennsylvanian has a real opportunity for a good paying, family sustaining career.”

In addition to capitalizing on our robotics and technology successes, Governor Shapiro’s ten-year economic development strategy has five primary goals to help the Commonwealth reach its full economic potential: 

  • Invest in our economic growth to compete and prioritize economic development investments that result in real opportunities for our businesses, communities, and residents. 
  • Continue to make government work at the speed of business, and ensure all companies find an attractive business environment where they can innovate and thrive. 
  • Open doors of opportunity for all Pennsylvanians and enable every Pennsylvanian to secure a family-sustaining job and have a meaningful career. 
  • Innovate to win, becauseinnovators become entrepreneurs and new discoveries enable our people and companies to succeed. 
  • Build vibrant and resilient regions, where every community flourishes and provides for the needs of all residents and businesses. 

Mill 19, developed by the Regional Industrial Development Corporation, is home to advanced manufacturing partners including Carnegie Mellon University’s ARM (Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing) Institute, the Manufacturing Futures Institute, and more.

“For too long, we’ve been falling behind other states with which we compete, but Governor Shapiro has shown a commitment to making bold moves to put us back in the game,” said Donald F. Smith, Jr., President, Regional Industrial Development Corporation of Southwestern Pennsylvania (RIDC). “We worked with his team, led by Secretary Siger, to attract Re:Build Manufacturing to New Kensington and we look forward to working together to attract more businesses and more jobs to our region – under the Governor’s new initiative.”

“Pennsylvania has all the necessary, tough-to-come-by ingredients to secure our place as the leading economic engine of the future,” said Carnegie Mellon University President Farnam Jahanian. “Governor Shapiro’s plan arrives at a once-in-a-generation moment to leverage innovation and talent together. It introduces dedicated resources, a sharp focus and ambitious calls to action after nearly 20 years without a statewide economic strategy in place. Carnegie Mellon University is excited to do our part to advance the governor’s vision, help drive growth throughout the commonwealth and support the shared success of all Pennsylvanians.”

“As the nation’s only advanced manufacturing institute headquartered in Pennsylvania, the ARM Institute is honored to work with Governor Shapiro and his administration to support and implement the new Pennsylvania Economic Development Strategy”, said Ira Moskowitz, ARM Institute CEO. “Pennsylvania’s manufacturing ecosystem is critical to our economy and the nation. Helping our manufacturers and their workers gain the knowledge and skills to implement robotics and AI will ultimately lead to increased job opportunities and factory output.”

The comprehensive strategy was developed with extensive input from partners in local government, the private sector, the economic development community, labor, higher education, and the nonprofit sector.

“I need partners like Governor Shapiro to bring a clear vision to economic development and set up our region for success, so we can leverage state investments to go even further,” said Allegheny County Executive Sara Innamorato. “We see eye to eye on the importance of competitive packages that help relocate medium and large employers to Allegheny County. But it is also about investing in the people and businesses that we have here, and Governor Shapiro knows they’re worth investing in too. I’m excited for the potential to work together with the Shapiro Administration, my colleagues in the State House and Senate, and municipal leaders here in Allegheny County to grow a stronger, more vibrant County for all.”

“I just want to thank everybody who came out today to celebrate this historic economic development package from Governor Shapiro himself. This strategy is removing barriers to employment, transportation, and makes sure we have childcare,” said Mayor Ed Gainey. “A lot of that investment that we received is from the Commonwealth due to the Governor. Without those type of initiatives and funding, we wouldn’t have that opportunity to grow in that region. I’m delighted to be here with everybody as we talk about a new pathway for Pennsylvania, Allegheny County, and the City of Pittsburgh. Together we can do great things – but it takes all of us, and when you have a Governor that likes to get stuff done, we know we’re on our way.”

“I am extremely proud to join Governor Shapiro as we continue to invest in our workers, entrepreneurs, innovators, and business leaders,” said Senator Jay Costa. “Pennsylvania has the potential to lead the nation in cutting edge technology, energy, and manufacturing. The investments and strategy set forth by the Shapiro Administration prepares our commonwealth well to capitalize on our incredible resources and succeed across the board. I look forward to continued discussions with partners and stakeholders as we fully realize this strategy.”

“Our Commonwealth is uniquely positioned to think globally yet act locally,” said Representative Aerion Abney. “Governor Shapiro’s 10-year economic development strategy is an investment towards the advancement of our Commonwealth in an innovative manner that will benefit both current and future generations.”

“The release of the Governor’s economic development strategy is a critical milestone on the path to unlocking the growth potential of our region and state,” said Stefani Pashman, CEO of the Allegheny Conference. “We applaud the Governor not just for his vision for a competitive Pennsylvania, but for the consistent actions taken over the past year that have generated the positive momentum we are experiencing today. We look forward to working in partnership to realize the full potential embodied in this plan and to ensure the Commonwealth is attractive to the people and employers who call it home as well as those we want to attract.”

“This economic development strategy is more than a document – this is our economic rebirth. This strategy puts labor at the forefront. We are proud to be here,” said Darrin Kelly, Pittsburgh AFL-CIO President. “Governor Shapiro, we thank you once again for investing in Pennsylvania’s greatest asset – its people. We’re proud to stand here with you, as always. Your commitment not to just this here, but our infrastructure, our children, our education facilities, our mass transit, once again shows that you fulfill your promises.”

The full Economic Development Strategy is available at

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