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Access to Health Services
AHS-01: Percent of adults with health insurance, aged 18 to 64 (LHI)
A-02: Percent of arthritic adults whose usual activities are limited
A-04: Percent of arthritic adults counseled to do physical activity or exercise
C-01: Cancer death rate
C-02: Lung cancer death rate
C-04: Female breast cancer death rate
C-05: Percent of women who recently had a mammogram, aged 50 to 74
C-06: Colorectal cancer death rate
C-07: Percent of adults who recently had a colorectal cancer screening, aged 50 to 75 (LHI)
C-08: Prostate cancer death rate
C-09: Percent of women who recently had a cervical cancer screening, aged 21 to 65
Chronic Kidney Disease
CKD-07: End-stage renal disease incidence rate
D-04: Percent of diabetic adults who have a yearly eye exam
D-06: Percent of diabetic adults who ever received diabetes education
Environmental Health
EH-03: Percent receiving safe drinking water from community water systems
Family Planning
FP-03: Pregnancy rate, aged 15 to 19
Food Safety
FS-01: Campylobacter incidence rate
FS-02: Shiga toxin-producing E-coli incidence rate
FS-04: Salmonella incidence rate
Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders
HOSCD-02: Percent of infants with possible hearing loss who receive audiologic evaluation by age 3 months
Heart Disease and Stroke
HDS-02: Coronary heart disease death rate
HDS-03: Stroke death rate
HDS-04: Percent of adults with hypertension
HDS-09: Adult hospitalization rate for heart failure
Immunization and Infectious Diseases
IID-09: Percent of adults with a flu shot (LHI)
IID-10: Hepatitis A incidence rate
IID-11: Acute hepatitis B incidence rate
IID-12: Acute hepatitis C incidence rate
IID-15: Hepatitis B death rate
IID-16: Hepatitis C death rate
IID-17: Tuberculosis incidence rate
Injury and Violence Prevention
IVP-03: Unintentional injury death rate
IVP-06: Motor vehicle crash death rate
IVP-09: Homicide rate (LHI)
IVP-11: Physical fighting among adolescents
IVP-13: Firearm-related death rate
IVP-15: Child abuse fatality rate
IVP-16: Child abuse nonfatal report rate
IVP-20: Opioid overdose death rate
IVP-21: Natural and semisynthetic opioid overdose death rate
IVP-22: Synthetic opioid overdose death rate
IVP-23: Heroin drug overdose death rate
Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
MICH-01: Fetal mortality rate, 20+ weeks gestation
MICH-02: Infant mortality rate (LHI)
MICH-03: Child and adolescent death rate, aged 1 to 19
MICH-04: Maternal mortality rate (LHI)
MICH-05: Maternal complications rate
MICH-06: Percent of low-risk, no prior birth females giving birth by cesarean
MICH-07: Percent of live births which are preterm
MICH-08: Percent of pregnant females with early and adequate prenatal care
MICH-10: Percent of females giving birth who did not smoke during pregnancy
MICH-13: Percent of mothers with a healthy weight before giving birth
Mental Health and Mental Disorders
MHMD-01: Suicide rate (LHI)
Nutrition and Weight Status
NWS-03: Adult obesity percentage, aged 20+
Occupational Safety and Health
OSH-01: Occupational injury death rate for all industries
OSH-04: Pneumoconiosis death count, aged 15+
Oral Health
OH-05: Percent of adults with no natural teeth, aged 45+
OH-07: Percent of oral and pharyngeal cancers detected at the local stage
OH-08: Percent of people who visit a dentist (LHI)
OH-11: Percent of population served by optimally fluoridated community water systems
O-02: Hip fracture hospitalization rate, aged 65+
Physical Activity
PA-01: Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time activity
PA-02: Percent of adults who engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity
Public Health Infrastructure
PHI-04: State has a health improvement plan
Respiratory Diseases
RD-01: Asthma death rate
RD-05: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) death rate, aged 45+
Sexually Transmitted Infections
STI-02: Gonorrhea incidence rate in males, aged 15 to 24
STI-03: Syphilis incidence rate, females aged 15 to 44
STI-05: Syphilis incidence rate, men who have sex with men
Substance Use
SU-02: Cirrhosis death rate
SU-03: Drug overdose death rate (LHI)
SU-04: Percent of adolescents drinking alcohol
SU-05: Percent of adolescents using illicit drugs
SU-06: Percent of adolescents using marijuana
SU-07: Percent of adults using illicit drugs
SU-10: Percent of adults who report that they binge drink, aged 21+ (LHI)
Tobacco Use
TU-01: Percent of adults who use any tobacco product
TU-02: Percent of adults who smoke cigarettes (LHI)
TU-04: Percent of students using tobacco products, grades 6 through 12 (LHI)
TU-06: Percent of students who smoke cigarettes, grades 6 through 12
TU-07: Percent of students who smoke cigars, grades 6 through 12
TU-08: Percent of students who use smokeless tobacco, grades 6 through 12
TU-11: Percent of adults who attempted to stop smoking
TU-15: Percent of females who quit smoking by their third trimester
TU-21: State tax on cigarettes
Data Notes
Data Reliability
Race and Ethnicity
Age-adjusted Rates
Source: Division of Health Informatics, Pennsylvania Department of Health
Source: Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council
Pennsylvania Healthy People, state level
TU-02: Percent of adults who smoke cigarettes (LHI)
Objective details
Age-adjusted percent of adults who smoke cigarettes
Less than or equal to 5.0 by 2030
Data years:
2017 through 2021
Data source:
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), Pennsylvania Department of Health