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Access to Health Services
AHS-01: Percent of adults with health insurance, aged 18 to 64 (LHI)
A-02: Percent of arthritic adults whose usual activities are limited
A-04: Percent of arthritic adults counseled to do physical activity or exercise
C-01: Cancer death rate
C-02: Lung cancer death rate
C-04: Female breast cancer death rate
C-05: Percent of women who recently had a mammogram, aged 50 to 74
C-06: Colorectal cancer death rate
C-07: Percent of adults who recently had a colorectal cancer screening, aged 50 to 75 (LHI)
C-08: Prostate cancer death rate
C-09: Percent of women who recently had a cervical cancer screening, aged 21 to 65
Chronic Kidney Disease
CKD-07: End-stage renal disease incidence rate
D-04: Percent of diabetic adults who have a yearly eye exam
D-06: Percent of diabetic adults who ever received diabetes education
Environmental Health
EH-03: Percent receiving safe drinking water from community water systems
Family Planning
FP-03: Pregnancy rate, aged 15 to 19
Food Safety
FS-01: Campylobacter incidence rate
FS-02: Shiga toxin-producing E-coli incidence rate
FS-04: Salmonella incidence rate
Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders
HOSCD-02: Percent of infants with possible hearing loss who receive audiologic evaluation by age 3 months
Heart Disease and Stroke
HDS-02: Coronary heart disease death rate
HDS-03: Stroke death rate
HDS-04: Percent of adults with hypertension
HDS-09: Adult hospitalization rate for heart failure
Immunization and Infectious Diseases
IID-09: Percent of adults with a flu shot (LHI)
IID-10: Hepatitis A incidence rate
IID-11: Acute hepatitis B incidence rate
IID-12: Acute hepatitis C incidence rate
IID-15: Hepatitis B death rate
IID-16: Hepatitis C death rate
IID-17: Tuberculosis incidence rate
Injury and Violence Prevention
IVP-03: Unintentional injury death rate
IVP-06: Motor vehicle crash death rate
IVP-09: Homicide rate (LHI)
IVP-11: Physical fighting among adolescents
IVP-13: Firearm-related death rate
IVP-15: Child abuse fatality rate
IVP-16: Child abuse nonfatal report rate
IVP-20: Opioid overdose death rate
IVP-21: Natural and semisynthetic opioid overdose death rate
IVP-22: Synthetic opioid overdose death rate
IVP-23: Heroin drug overdose death rate
Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
MICH-01: Fetal mortality rate, 20+ weeks gestation
MICH-02: Infant mortality rate (LHI)
MICH-03: Child and adolescent death rate, aged 1 to 19
MICH-04: Maternal mortality rate (LHI)
MICH-05: Maternal complications rate
MICH-06: Percent of low-risk, no prior birth females giving birth by cesarean
MICH-07: Percent of live births which are preterm
MICH-08: Percent of pregnant females with early and adequate prenatal care
MICH-10: Percent of females giving birth who did not smoke during pregnancy
MICH-13: Percent of mothers with a healthy weight before giving birth
Mental Health and Mental Disorders
MHMD-01: Suicide rate (LHI)
Nutrition and Weight Status
NWS-03: Adult obesity percentage, aged 20+
Occupational Safety and Health
OSH-01: Occupational injury death rate for all industries
OSH-04: Pneumoconiosis death count, aged 15+
Oral Health
OH-05: Percent of adults with no natural teeth, aged 45+
OH-07: Percent of oral and pharyngeal cancers detected at the local stage
OH-08: Percent of people who visit a dentist (LHI)
OH-11: Percent of population served by optimally fluoridated community water systems
O-02: Hip fracture hospitalization rate, aged 65+
Physical Activity
PA-01: Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time activity
PA-02: Percent of adults who engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity
Public Health Infrastructure
PHI-04: State has a health improvement plan
Respiratory Diseases
RD-01: Asthma death rate
RD-05: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) death rate, aged 45+
Sexually Transmitted Infections
STI-02: Gonorrhea incidence rate in males, aged 15 to 24
STI-03: Syphilis incidence rate, females aged 15 to 44
STI-05: Syphilis incidence rate, men who have sex with men
Substance Use
SU-02: Cirrhosis death rate
SU-03: Drug overdose death rate (LHI)
SU-04: Percent of adolescents drinking alcohol
SU-05: Percent of adolescents using illicit drugs
SU-06: Percent of adolescents using marijuana
SU-07: Percent of adults using illicit drugs
SU-10: Percent of adults who report that they binge drink, aged 21+ (LHI)
Tobacco Use
TU-01: Percent of adults who use any tobacco product
TU-02: Percent of adults who smoke cigarettes (LHI)
TU-04: Percent of students using tobacco products, grades 6 through 12 (LHI)
TU-06: Percent of students who smoke cigarettes, grades 6 through 12
TU-07: Percent of students who smoke cigars, grades 6 through 12
TU-08: Percent of students who use smokeless tobacco, grades 6 through 12
TU-11: Percent of adults who attempted to stop smoking
TU-15: Percent of females who quit smoking by their third trimester
TU-21: State tax on cigarettes
Data Notes
Data Reliability
Race and Ethnicity
Age-adjusted Rates
Source: Division of Health Informatics, Pennsylvania Department of Health
Source: Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council
Pennsylvania Healthy People, state level
STI-02: Gonorrhea incidence rate in males, aged 15 to 24
Objective details
Gonorrhea incidence rate per 100,000 males aged 15 to 24
Less than or equal to 471.2 by 2030
Data years:
2017 through 2021
Data source:
Bureau of Communicable Diseases, Pennsylvania Department of Health