How to Request a Crash Report
Please Note: A copy of your crash report may not yet be available through this website. Allow a minimum of 15 days from the date of the incident before searching for a record.
Search for Reports If you have an existing, paper copy of your Police Crash Report, you can search by the Incident Number located on the top-left of the page. If you do not have a paper copy of your Police Crash Report, you can search using a name and date to find possible results.
Fill out Web Form Application Once you have located a crash report, you must fill out the Application To Obtain Copy of Police Report web form. You will be asked to provide basic personal information and select a reason for your request submission After submission, you will receive a confirmation email and your request will be either approved or denied by PSP within 7 business days of receipt.
Pay for Approved Reports You will receive an additional email upon the approval or denial of your crash report request. If your request is approved, you must pay a fee to receive your documents. Your approval email will include a link to an online payment form, which after submission will allow your requested documents to be sent in another, separate email.
Search for a Crash Report
You must enter at least a CAD / Case number OR a last name AND an incident date


Pennsylvania State Police
Crash Reports Unit
1800 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M