Apply for the Summer Food Service Program

The Summer Food Service Program is designed for local sponsors who want to combine a feeding program with a summer activity program.  During the school year, students get nutritious meals from the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. However, these programs stop in the summer and the  SFSP  steps in to prevent hunger.


Faith or community groups with ongoing programs for children in poor areas can join the SFSP. Eligible groups include nonprofits, school food authorities, summer camps, and colleges. They must run the National Youth Sports Program from May to September. Also, other nonprofits can join with specific conditions.


Summer feeding agencies can apply for the program but must first be approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Once approved by both agencies they are eligible for USDA commodities thru the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact the Bureau of Food Assistance by phone or by email.

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