Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to the most common questions that employees have about SECA.


Yes, 100% of your donation is tax-deductible.

For payroll donations, the minimum amount is $1 per pay (or $26 per year and $1 per charity). For one-time donations, the minimum donation is $1. Up to 10 charities can be designated.

SECA charities apply each year to participate in the campaign and are reviewed for accountability and good stewardship of funds. Charities not listed in the guide cannot be designated to receive funds. However, charities interested in applying to participate in the next campaign may contact the SECA Program for more information.

One-time donations can be made via check/money order or a one-time payroll deduction. Use a pledge form or ESS (for agencies in SAP) to make a one-time donation.

For employees who make a donation using ESS, ESS will calculate the minimum amounts.  Amounts are calculated by multiplying your annual salary by .006 (for Governor's Circle) or .003 (for Gold Giver) and dividing the result by 26 pays.

No, SECA donations via payroll deduction occur on an annual basis and must be renewed each year.

Contact your agency coordinator for direction on where to turn in your pledge form. You may be instructed to send your form directly to him or her, or to turn it in to a designated person in your office or bureau.

SECA distributes funds, as well as donor and designation information, to the umbrella charities on a monthly basis.  The umbrella charities then distribute the appropriate amounts to the designated charities, along with donor information (for those who indicated they wish to be acknowledged) at least quarterly.  Umbrella charities are not permitted to take any administrative fees from the donations.

SECA assesses a 6% administrative fee, which covers campaign costs such as the printing of resource guides and pledge forms and the processing of paper forms. Compared to the time, effort and resources that each charity would have to expend to reach the same number of potential donors (approximately 100,000) on its own, the administrative fee is an efficient and cost effective way to solicit donations.

Umbrella organizations, which act as “pass-throughs” for the funds, are not permitted to take an additional administrative fee. 

Any unused portion of the administrative fee is distributed back to the umbrella organizations at the close of a given campaign year.

Contact your agency coordinator or the SECA Program Manager.