Tioga County Partnership for Community Health
The Tioga County Partnership for Community Health was organized as a non-profit 501c3 organization in 1993 by three founding organizations: Mansfield University, the Laurel Health System and the Tioga County Department of Human Services. The partnership is a countywide network of individuals, community leaders, human services personnel, business representatives and government leaders whose mission is to foster strong community relationships to address the physical, social, mental and environmental health needs of Tioga County.
Since its inception, the partnership has engaged in numerous projects resulting in impressive outcomes. Seven active workgroups – Elder Services, Immunization Task Force, Step Outdoors Network, Tioga County Countryside Council, Communities That Care, Be Your Best You, and Measurements and Outcomes – collaborate with local resources to address unmet community needs. Examples include: the creation of a low-income dental clinic; educational programs for senior citizens; support for local Rx Drug Take-Back Events and the Med Return Box Program; assistance with the formation of a homeless shelter; support in organizing a chapter of the National Association on Mental Illness; creation of the county-wide Drug Free Coalition; capacity-building programs for the community on such topics as volunteering and grant writing; and a summer youth program focused on healthy physical activity and good nutrition.
Tioga County Partnership for Community Health
If you are interested in joining a walking group in Tioga County, or currently belong to a walking group or other organization that is looking for a place to walk and engage in regular physical activity, please email tiogapartnership@gmail.com or call 570-723-0520 for more information.