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Feet First Philly

Feet First Philly is a pedestrian advocacy group sponsored by the Clean Air Council. The organization's aims are to raise awareness of issues facing pedestrians in the City of Philadelphia, improve the pedestrian environment, protect the rights of pedestrians and encourage walking as a mode of transportation as well as for exercise and recreation. The City's long range comprehensive plan, Philadelphia2035, and the 2012 Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan include many ways of building on the City's historic walkability, including recommendations for new sidewalk design standards, incorporated into the Complete Streets Design Handbook, and development of a trail network to connect residential areas with parks and waterfronts. Using these plans as a guide, Feet First Philly is undertaking initiatives to improve the pedestrian environment.

Feet First Philly

If you are interested in joining a walking group in Center City Philadelphia, or currently belong to a walking group or other organization that is looking for a place to walk and engage in regular physical activity, please email Pam Freyd at pamfreyd@earthlink.net for more information.

Get Healthy Philly

Get Healthy Philly is the Chronic Disease Prevention Division of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health focused on healthy eating, active living and tobacco control. Through partnerships with government agencies, community-based organizations and academic institutions, Get Healthy Philly works to ensure that Philadelphians can enjoy long, productive lives free from disease, disability and premature death.

Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM) is a Latino founded education, health, human services, community and economic development non-profit serving Philadelphia since 1990. APM is dedicated to improving the quality of life in the Greater Philadelphia area by helping families achieve their greatest potential with life-improving social services. APM envisions a community where all families are self-reliant, where children are protected and nurtured to become future leaders and where residents are engaged in their community.

Together, Get Healthy Philly and APM are developing and implementing a community-led project to improve neighborhood walkability and increase walking. The development and implementation of the WalkWorks route is a highlight of this collaborative work.

If you are interested in joining a walking group in Eastern North Philadelphia or currently belong to a walking group or other organization that is looking for a place to walk and engage in regular physical activity, please e-mail info@apmphila.org.