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Pennsylvania Department of Health

The Physical Activity Program, of the Bureau of Health Promotion and Risk Reduction, coordinates state activities by expanding and integrating physical activity initiatives into other chronic disease programs to promote health and prevent chronic disease incidence, morbidity and mortality. While continually evaluating the physical activity status of all Pennsylvanians, the program then collaborates with other chronic disease programs within the Department of Health, including nutrition, heart disease and stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, injury prevention and cancer control. The program is also focused on creating or enhancing access to places for physical activity. This is accomplished through partnerships with state agencies and organizations with a vested interest in promoting physical activity. The following are broad efforts to create connectivity in communities: trail and walking path development to connect schools, parks and/or residential and shopping areas; promote walking and other physical activities; support communities to develop and/or adopt a pedestrian or transportation master plan; and create local policies that include language that supports environmental changes to create or enhance places for physical activity, such as Joint Use Agreements (JUAs). The program activities focus on increasing moderate levels of physical activity for all Pennsylvanians through increasing awareness of the Surgeon General's recommendation of at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week for better health and promoting behavior change.

Pennsylvania Department of Health

If you are interested in joining a walking group around the Capitol Complex or currently belong to a walking group or other organization that is looking for a place to walk and engage in regular physical activity, call 717-547-3210 for more information.

​Walking Route Map

Capitol Complex