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Shippensburg Community Parks & Recreation Authority

Shippensburg is located in the scenic Cumberland Valley of south-central Pennsylvania, right on the line between Franklin and Cumberland counties. In 2016, the Borough of Shippensburg and Southampton Township, Franklin County, created the Shippensburg Community Parks and Recreation Authority (SCPRA). The purpose of the SCPRA is to provide quality parks and recreational opportunities for the residents of the borough and township. The Shippensburg Community Parks and Recreation Authority is committed to developing, implementing, and promoting a healthy lifestyle for our residents.

Shippensburg Community Parks & Recreation Authority

If you are interested in joining a walking group in Shippensburg or currently belong to a walking group or other organization that is looking for a place to walk and engage in regular physical activity, please email SCPRA at office@shippensburgparkandrec.org or call 717-530-0261 for more information.



​Walking Route Map

The Heritage Walk

Plans and Policies

Active Transportation Plan - Lower Allen Twp.