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City of Beaver Falls - Department of Community Development

Often called "a small city with a big heart," Beaver Falls is pleasant community located thirty-one miles northwest of Pittsburgh and nestled among the rolling, picturesque hills of Western Pennsylvania. Its location on the Beaver River has lent the community to industrial development which has left its imprint in the form of bustling railroad lines, a twenty-one block commercial district, recreational opportunities and a rich history of a busy city full of diverse people, locally owned businesses and many amenities that make people proud to be from Beaver Falls. Geneva College, which opened in 1848 and is located in the center of the City, has long provided cultural and educational opportunities on their beautiful campus that are now merging into the resident-led efforts to revitalize the community. A renewed sense of commitment to the City and long-held community pride have connected an extensive network of churches, social organizations, and a friendly, welcoming community of people. As Beaver Falls works to rebuild and to create together, all are invited to join this growing community of people who believe they can make life better for one another with some investment into their neighborhoods. 

City of Beaver Falls-Department of Community Development

If you are interested in joining a walking group in Beaver County or currently belong to a walking group or other organization that is looking for a place to walk and engage in regular physical activity, please go to www.beaverfallspa.org or contact (724) 847-2808 x201 or bwilliams@beaverfallspa.org for more information on the WalkWorks route.


Walking Route Maps

Beaver Falls