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Welcome to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As a new employee you are in a position to provide valuable information as to why you chose the Commonwealth as your employer. The Commonwealth will use the information gathered in these types of surveys to enhance current recruitment and retention efforts which can benefit all Commonwealth operations and employees. The information contained in this survey is confidential unless the information disclosed reveals harassment or other illegal or discriminatory activity. Reports of such activities will be provided to the proper authorities for investigation. | |
Part 1: Job-Related Questions | |
How did you find out about Commonwealth employment? (Please select all that apply.) | |
Civil Service Website | |
Bureau of State Employment (Non-Civil Service) Website | |
Agency Website | |
Walk-in | |
Friend/Relative (Non-State Employee) | |
Current State Employee | |
CareerLink Office | |
Job Fair (Please Specify) | |
Newspaper/Magazine Advertisement (Please Specify) | |
Online Advertisement (Please Specify) | |
Other (Please Specify) | |
Of the factors listed below as reasons for choosing the Commonwealth as an employer, please rank in order up to five factors that influenced your decision, with factor #1 being the most important, factor #2 the second most important, etc. | |
Factors for choosing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as your employer: | |
Salary |
Health Care/Benefits |
Retirement Benefits |
Job Security/Stability |
Career Change |
Promotional Opportunities |
Limited/Lack of Private Sector Jobs |
First Available Position/Offer |
Organization/Agency Mission |
Type and/or Variety of Work |
Location of Work Site |
Working Conditions |
Work Hours/Schedule |
Vacation and Holiday Leave |
Training/Development Opportunities |
Gain New/Expand Work Experience |
Effective Management |
Equal Opportunity Employer |
Interest in
Public Service |
Statewide Job/Relocation
Opportunities |
Factor # 1 |
Other: | ||
Factor # 2 |
Other: | ||
Factor # 3 |
Other: | ||
Factor # 4 |
Other: | ||
Factor # 5 |
Other: | ||
Part 2: Commonwealth Employment Selection System |
What is your highest level
of education? |
If you attained post-high
school education, which of the following categories most closely
identifies your major course of study? |
How would you describe your
new position with the Commonwealth? |
Please tell us if you are a: |
Civil Service Employee Non-Civil Service
Employee |
the ease of the employment application
process. Very Easy Easy Difficult Very Difficult |
Rate the ease of
the employment interview. Very Easy Easy Difficult Very Difficult |
satisfied are you with the length of time it took to receive the job
offer? Highly Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied |
How long did the process take from the time you submitted the application to take the Civil Service examination or submitted your resume for the non-Civil Service position to the time you actually received the formal job offer? |
Less than 1 Month |
Between 1 and 3 Months |
Between 3 and 6 Months |
Between 6 and 9 Months |
Between 9 and 12 Months |
Greater than 12 Months |
For Civil Service employees, did you use the online automated application process? Yes No |
For Civil Service employees, rate the ease of the examination process. |
Very Easy Easy Difficult Very Difficult |
If you selected
'Difficult' or 'Very Difficult' for any of the questions above, please
explain: |
Part 3: Additional Comments |