Select demographic groups desired.
Multiple selections are allowed (hold down Shift or
Ctrl key).
Note: Available Demographic menu selections
may change or be disabled depending on the selection made in the
Risk Factor Percent menu.
The following is a list of abbreviations that could be used in the
Demographic menu:
- Other (Incld Hisp)
- Other Race (Including Hispanics)
- Ed
- Education
- Inc
- Income
- R/E
- Race/Ethnicity
- Mar
- Marital Status
- Vet
- Veteran Status
- Diab
- Diabetes Status
- Asth
- Asthma Status
- Wt
- Weight Status
- Tob
- Smoker Status
- Alc
- Drinker Status
- Ins
- Insurance Status
- LT
- Less than
- GT
- Greater than
- LE
- Less than or equal to
- GE
- Greater than or equal to