District/Local Reports

Pennsylvania's 2017 BRFSS survey was divided evenly among eight geographic areas: six Pennsylvania health districts and Allegheny and Philadelphia counties.

Beginning in 2011, BRFSS sub-state (district) level data can be found through the Pennsylvania Department of Health's Enterprise Data Dissemination Informatics Exchange (EDDIE).

The 2011 survey marks the first year in which the Pennsylvania BRFSS collected data from both landline and cell phone respondents. To allow for the incorporation of cell phone data, a new weighting methodology called iterative proportional fitting or raking was implemented in 2011. A detailed explanation of raking can be referenced in the "Weighting Methodology" section of this report. These methodological changes will cause breaks in BRFSS trends, but they will also significantly improve the accuracy, coverage, validity and representativeness of the Pennsylvania BRFSS. Therefore, measures should be re-benchmarked at the 2011 estimate values and not compared to BRFSS estimates from previous years.

Prior to 2010, Pennsylvania offered the BRFSS Local Sampling Program from 2002 to 2009. Participation in the Pennsylvania BRFSS Local Sampling Program was open to Pennsylvania's State Health Improvement Plan-affiliated partnerships located statewide. Each partnership selected a county or group of counties to sample. They also chose up to 56 questions to include in their questionnaires, in addition to the mandatory core questions asked by all who participate in BRFSS. From 2010 to present, reports were produced with statistics from the eight geographic areas described above.

Past district and local reports can be found below: